class ProduceRequest

Header File: <libkafka_asio/produce_request.h>

Namespace: libkafka_asio

Implementation of the Kafka ProduceRequest as described on the Kafka wiki. Produce requests are used to send data for one or more topic partitions to a remote Kafka server.

Member Functions

AddValue (overload 1 of 2)

void AddValue(const Bytes& value,
              const String& topic_name,
              Int32 partition)

Constructs a Message with value set to byte vector given in value. The message will be added to this request object to produce it for the topic partition with the given topic_name and partition. The given value will be copied.

AddValue (overload 2 of 2)

void AddValue(const String& value,
              const String& topic_name,
              Int32 partition)

Constructs a Message with value set to the bytes of the given value string. The message will be added to this request object to produce it for the topic partition with the given topic_name and partition.


void AddMessage(const Message& message,
                const String& topic_name,
                Int32 partition)

Adds a copy of the given message to this produce request. The message will be produced for the given topic_name and partition.


void AddMessageSet(const MessageSet& message_set,
                   const String& topic_name,
                   Int32 partition)

Copies the given set of message into this produce request. It has the same effect as calling AddMessage for each message inside the given MessageSet. The messages will be produced for the given topic_name and partition.


void Clear()

Clears all message data of this produce request.


void ClearTopic(const String& topic_name)

Clears the message data for the topic with the given name.


bool ResponseExpected() const

Returns true in case a response is expected for this produce request. (Produce requests are the only kinds of requests where there is the possibility that the server will not reply with a response). This function is called internally after the request was successfully sent to the server and the library needs to determine, if a response is expected.


void set_required_acks(Int16 required_acks)

Sets the number of acknowledgements that need to be received by the server before the response for this request is sent. If 0 is specified for this parameter, the server will not wait for acknowledgements. In this case, no response will be sent by the server. The default value is 1.


void set_timeout(Int32 timeout)

Timeout in milliseconds to wait for required acknowledgements.



struct Topic {
    String      topic_name;
    Partitions  partitions;
  • topic_name: Name of the topic to produce messages for.
  • partitions: Vector of TopicPartition objects.


struct Partition {
    MessageSet messages;
  • messages: Set of messages to produce for this topic partition
  • partition: Number, identifying this topic partition.


typedef std::vector<Topic> Topics

Vector of Topic objects.


typedef std::vector<Partition> Partitions

Vector of Partition objects.


typedef ProduceResponse ResponseType

Type of the response object of a produce request.


typedef MutableProduceResponse MutableResponseType

Type of a mutable response object for a produce request. This type is used by the library at when reading-in the response from a Kafka server.