class OffsetCommitResponse

Header File: <libkafka_asio/offset_commit_response.h>

Namespace: libkafka_asio

Implementation of the Kafka OffsetCommitResponse as described on the Kafka wiki. An object of this type will be given as response object to the handler function when invoking an offset commit request.

Member Functions


const TopicVector& topics() const

Returns a list of topics of this response



struct Topic
  • topic_name: Name of the topic to fetch data for.
  • partition_offsets: Set of partitions of this topic for which offset data has been received.


struct Topic::Partition
  • partition: Number, identifying this topic partition.
  • error_code: Kafka error for this topic partition.


typedef std::vector<Topic> TopicVector

Vector of Topic structures.


typedef boost::optional<OffsetCommitResponse> OptionalType

A offset-commit response object wrapped using Boost optional. Such an object will be used for offset-commit request handler functions.